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Adept* at...

bluedot Adobe Illustrator
bluedot Adobe InDesign
bluedot DreamWeaver

bluedot Photoshop

bluedot PowerPoint

bluedot Keynote
bluedot And one or two others

Familiar with...

bluedot iMovie
bluedot PageMaker (you remember PageMaker, don't you?)

I once walked by a computer while someone was using...

bluedot CorelDraw


*"Adept" is a relative term and the owner/operator of this website (hereinafter called The Party of the First Part or "me"), offers no warranties of authenticity or accuracy regarding the information proffered, presented or tendered in this website. For the complete disclaimer, WRITTEN IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS SO THAT YOU KNOW IT IS IMPORTANT AND YOU REALLY NEED TO READ EVERY BIT OF IT, please go to page 73.